A Little More Math in Your Life
Are you a fan of math? Check out our blog, where we discover small, easy-to-digest math facts that can add some interest to your day!
Exploring Math in Everyday Life
Discover fascinating little tidbits of math and keep your brain well fed!
Shapes Made Out of Numbers
You’ve probably heard of square numbers before. You know, the numbers of objects that can make neat little squares. But what about other shapes? Yes, mathematicians have found plenty more ways to categorize numbers. Let’s take a look at some of them! First up are two more common shapes: triangles and hexagons. As you can…
Daily Math Facts for 12/25
Merry Christmas everyone! It turns out that today is the 360th day of the year, and today’s date is 1225. That means there’s a lot of interesting number facts to go along with! First off, 1225 is a square number. That’s somewhat interesting on its own (1225 = 35²), but there’s more! Although you’ve probably…
Daily Math Facts for 12/24
Today we’re going to look at some interesting facts about the number 1224. There actually isn’t too much to note here, but one interesting tidbit is that there are 1224 pairs of twin primes under 100,000. That includes pairs like (3, 5), (5, 7), and (7211, 7213). More interestingly, we can see that it’s the…
Daily Math Facts for 12/23
Today’s December 23rd, so we’re going to take a look at the number 1223. It just so happens that 1223 is the 200th prime number! 1217 is the 199th prime, and 1229 is the 201st prime. There’s more to the number 1223 than it being a prime; it’s also a Sophie Germain Prime, which means…